Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Renewable Sources Of Energy Effectively Replace Fossil...

Alternative energy Can renewable sources of energy effectively replace fossil fuels? Can renewable sourves of energy effecticely replace fossil fuels? Is the question of the century.the answer to this question could profouldly change the world, it could put us In a new era a one for the better. But due to the largest oil and gas companies exxon mobil, royal dutch shell, bp, Sinopec and bureaucracy the steps are not being taken to insure our future. The government is corrupted, State officials rather than elected representatives are making all the decisions. Burning fossil fuels negatively affects the environment because they release carbon dioxide and other gases that trap heat in the Earth s atmosphere, which contributes to global climate change. But due to bureaucracy global climate change is still considered a myth Why is climate change ignored? Two realities threaten the well-being of future generations. The first is global warming. In the words of the most recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, â€Å"each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850.† Furthermore, it goes on, â€Å"in the Northern Hemisphere [the period] 1983-2012 was likely the warmest 30-year period of the last 1400 years.† (1) The resulting rise of sea levels, increased storm intensity, and ecological disruptions promise to impose a heavy cost on those who come of age twenty years from now. The second is thatShow MoreRelatedAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Fossil Fuels1260 Words   |  6 PagesFossil fuels are hydrocarbons, primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, formed from the remains of dead plants and animals, and great sources of energy and great sources of pollution. Fossil fuels are used to power a lot of things, including vehicles, heat homes, industries, manufacturing, and for electricity. Primarily used fossil fuels are coal, natural gas, and oil, these fossil fuels are dangerous to the environment. When fossil fuels are burned, it emits harmful gases in the environment likeRead MoreEssay about Renewable and Clean Energy1611 Words   |  7 PagesAs these days global warming, pollutions and fuel shortages are getting more and more serious through time, renewable and clean energy is increasingly the ideal solution to energy related problems we have to solve one way or another. Biofuel is currently one of the mainstream and highly supported solutions, an idea t o make renewable fuel by living organisms such as fiber, corn, vegetable oil or sugarcane. Biofuels, unlike nonrenewable fossil fuels over extracted by people, contains the potentialRead MoreAlternative Energy Can Effectively Replace Fossil Fuels1227 Words   |  5 PagesAlternative Energy Can Effectively Replace Fossil Fuels In the U.S. alone, carbon dioxide emission levels have risen thirty percent since 2005. If the emissions continue to rise at this pace, the temperature of the Earth may rise by at most, thirteen degrees. Temperatures rising to that height could cause chaos across the world. With more and more people burning fossil fuels every day, this unfortunate future is likely to occur. Fortunately, using pollution free alternative energy could alterRead MoreIndia s Unrealistic For Renewable Energy Essay1399 Words   |  6 Pagesunrealistic for renewable energy to completely replace non renewable energy. Nations should begin to strive towards renewable sources to lower their dependency on fossil fuels. This will give the developing world a competitive option to non renewable sources. I. INTRODUCTION Globalization integrates world economy through capital, investment, and labor markets [1]. It allows for the economic growth of developing countries. Development requires the utilization of resources for energy production. NationsRead MoreViable Alternative Energy For Replace Fossil Fuels1724 Words   |  7 Pages Viable Alternative Energy to Replace Fossil Fuels Nauman Syed Zia University of Houston Nearly all of the United States production of energy comes from non-renewable sources, also known as fossil fuels. However, the problem with using fossil fuels to satisfy the United States ever-growing demand for power is that they are a limited resource and their production and usage cause a myriad of harmful environmental effects. There are other sources of energy available that do notRead MoreAlternative Energy Solutions For Renewable Energy1295 Words   |  6 Pagesincreasing demand of fossil fuels, society has been faced with the problem of a quickly diminishing supply. We are scrambling for solutions in underdeveloped technology and overlooked industry. There is much debate on whether any alternative energy solutions are able to effectively replace fossil fuels. Even if they are, we are then faced with the problem of how renewable energy programs could be implemented and improved. There are many aspects of this debate to consider, including energy demand, financialRead More Renewable Energy Essay1099 Words   |  5 PagesRenewable Energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed: the first law of conservation of energy. Since the earliest days of human history, man have always been looking forward to control energy. But it wasnt until the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that humanity finally learned to harness the high concentration of energy existent in fossil fuels. (Why Sustainable Energy Matters,Learning Space). Even though humans achieved to apply the first law of conservationRead MoreFossil Fuels And Its Effects On The Environment1175 Words   |  5 PagesFossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas, are currently the world s primary energy source. Fossil fuels have powered economic growth worldwide since the industrial revolution, but they are nonrenewable resources and can severely damage the environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the burning of fossil fuels was responsible for 79 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2010. Although efficiency can help reduce emissions produced by the burning of fossil fuels,Read MoreFossil Fuels : The World s Primary Energy Source1185 Words   |  5 Pages Fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas, are currently the world s primary energy source. Formed from organic material over the course of millions of years, fossil fuels have fueled U.S. and global economic development over the past century. Yet fossil fuels are finite resources and they can also irreparably harm the environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the burning of fossil fuels was responsible for 79 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2010. TheseRead MoreCorn Ethanol: The Future Fuel? Essay1783 Words   |  8 PagesIn the world of global warming, all kinds of pollution and fuel shortages going on, renewable and clean/ green energy is increasingly the ideal solution of energy related problems we have to solve one way or another. Biofuel is one of the mainstream and highly supported solution s nowadays, an idea to make renewable fuel by living organisms such as fiber, corn, vegetable oil or sugar cane. Unlike nonrenewable fossil fuels over extracted by people causing various environmental problems like generating

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay on Late Adulthood - 1394 Words

Late Adulthood Late adulthood is known as the period of life after middle adulthood, usually from around 65 years old to death (Santrock, 2013, p. 485). There are many varying stages of development and health in late adulthood, along with steady changing of life expectancy. Aging is a part of life, and with it comes changes in every area of living. Many diseases find late adulthood as an opportune time to affect people. Eventually, whether caused by disease or another reason, every individual dies. Death is unique to every person, and healthcare in America is changing to reflect that. This stage of life is a time when bodily processes and functions may be decreasing, but depending on lifestyle choices, death can come at different times.†¦show more content†¦The way God created us as humans is a life cycle where eventually late adulthood comes with the biology of aging. Santrock (2013) describes five different theories of why humans age (p. 541). The evolutionary theory expla ins that aging is more of a natural selection process, and diseases occur in the elderly because they â€Å"would have been eliminated† if they were in younger people (Santrock, 2013, p.541). Cellular clock theory describes how cells get tired of dividing after they have been reproducing for so long (Santrock, 2013, p.541). Free-radical theory explains when â€Å"cells metabolize energy the by-products include unstable oxygen molecules known as free radicals† (Santrock, 2013, p.541). The unstable oxygen molecules can damage DNA and other structures inside the cell (Santrock, 2013, p.541). Mitochondrial theory describes how aging occurs because of the mitochondria essentially wearing out and becoming less efficient (Santrock, 2013, p.542). Mitochondria are the cell’s â€Å"power house,† and they convert energy inside the cell (Bailey, 2008). The last theory, hormonal stress theory, illustrates the effects of stress, especially long term stress, on aging (S antrock, 2013, p.542). Stress released hormones which depress the immune system making people more susceptible to disease (Santrock, 2013, p.542). There are many theories about why human’s age, and all of them may be true, but regardless aging is inevitable and so are its effects. Effects of Aging Physical TheShow MoreRelatedLate Adulthood Observation : Early Adulthood1541 Words   |  7 PagesLate Adulthood Observation The group I chose to observe is late adulthood. I proceeded to observe late adulthood people at the Eagle’s Bingo. The group participating in Bingo is a large group and consists of men and women, with very few young people. I observed the players for quite a long time and found the experience interesting. I noticed many different interactions among the group members but the most important is a lack of exclusion of any member from the group. The group consisted of peopleRead MoreEarly Adulthood : Adolescence, Middle Adulthood, And Late Adulthood1921 Words   |  8 Pagespeople in different stages of their adulthood which include: early adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood. For early adulthood, I asked someone who was in one of my classes because I wanted to have the perspective of someone who was going through college and wanted to know how they viewed their goals. For middle adulthood, I asked my mother because since we have a close relationship, I would be able t o elaborate more on her answers. For late adulthood, I had asked one of the residents fromRead MoreSummary of Young Adulthood and Late Adulthood Essay608 Words   |  3 PagesPhysical: While young adults do not grow significantly taller in their 20s, they typically grow stronger and healthier as their bodies reach adult size. In terms of overall health, as well as peak physical condition, early adulthood is the prime of life. With each year from 20 to 40, signs of senescence-the state of physical decline, in which the body gradually becomes less strong and efficient with age-become more apparent. All the body systems gradually become less efficient (though at differentRead MoreThe Value Of Aging : Late Adulthood1111 Words   |  5 PagesThe Value of Aging Late adulthood is a time many people tend to suppress in their minds. Late adulthood is often considered a time of physical and mental decline, but in reality for many older adults it is a time of mental and spiritual growth. During late adulthood, people tend to start reflecting on their lives and what is really important. During younger ages, people tend to focus on things that may not matter in the future, and spend time worrying about things that are unimportant. ThroughRead MoreLate Adulthood2745 Words   |  11 Pagessocial and physical activity; living arrangement; marital status; socio-economic status, and sociopolitical and sociocultural influences. Our objective in this paper is to explore these factors and how they influence life satisfaction in late adulthood. With late adulthood individuals may have accrued considerable life experience, which may be considered a significant internal resource. However, they may also have huge external resources in health and socio e conomic status. Personal Factors InternalRead MoreEssay on Late Adulthood1511 Words   |  7 Pages4/15/2010 FOREWORD   The journey through late adulthood can be experienced in different ways. One particular movie entitled â€Å"The Bucket List† exhibits an astounding portrayal of late adulthood. In fact, there are many accounts that the movie entails about late-adulthood. This includes the illustration of Erickson’s late adulthood stage – â€Å"Ego Integrity vs. Despair,† wisdom, marriage, friendship, parent-child relationship, and death and dying in late adulthood. Having given less than a year to liveRead MoreLate Adulthood705 Words   |  3 PagesJamia E. Phoenix January 19, 2016 Colorado Christian University In 1973, Phillip K. Zimbardo, a psychology professor at Stanford University. Zimbardo researching how prisoners and guards learned submissive and authoritarian roles. There was an ad placed in the newspaper by Zimbardo seeking male subjects to participate in his research experiment. There was a $15 per day compensation offered to the chosen participants. There were roughly 75 people to respond to the professors ad. However thereRead MoreRelationship Between Adulthood And Late Adulthood944 Words   |  4 PagesJournal #8: Relationships Young Adulthood to Late Adulthood During early adulthood ages twenty to forty, people enter the achieving stage according to the developmental psychologist K. Warner Shaie. In this stage young adults begin to be more focused on making decisions on what to do for the rest of their lives and whom to form relationships with. These decisions will soon make up the core of their happiness throughout adulthood. According to the psychologist Erik Erikson, this challenge of formingRead MoreLate Adulthood Essay788 Words   |  4 PagesLate Adulthood (age 60 Ââ€" 80) During this closing period in the life span of human beings, people tend to move away from previous more desirable periods often known as usefulness. Age sixty is usually considered the dividing line between middle and old age. It is the time where you are considered an elderly- meaning somewhat old or advanced beyond middle age. Period of decline Ââ€" comes partly from physical and partly psychological factors. The physical cause of decline is a changeRead MoreLate Adulthood and Death855 Words   |  4 PagesLate Adulthood and Death According to Erikson stages of human development, late adulthood stage is between the ages 65 to death (Erikson, 1982). This stage is ego integrity versus despair involves individual to look back over one’s life and feel a sense of contentment and satisfaction (Erikson, 1982). Success at this stage leads to feeling of wisdom and failure to achieve results in bitterness, regret, and despair. This negative resolution manifests itself as a fear of death, a sense that life

Monday, December 9, 2019

Roman Wall Paintings free essay sample

This paper looks at the several styles and methods of wall paintings during Roman times. This paper examines the first through fourth styles of Roman wall painting. The author discusses artistic methods used, such as incrustation, illusion, and naturalism with shadow and light. The paper also looks at the influences on each style, and includes images of Roman wall paintings. It is tempting to think of Roman art as all of a piece, a series of unchanging and perfect classical sculptures of perfect male bodies stretching far away into the distance. But this of course is a picture of Roman art so simplified as to be almost entirely inaccurate. Roman art changed dramatically over the hundreds of years of the classical empires greatness as artists acquired new techniques and new materials and came into new ideas as the long political arm of Rome grew ever longer and more and more cultures came under its domain. We will write a custom essay sample on Roman Wall Paintings or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This paper looks at how dramatically one medium of art the wall painting changed in just a couple of centuries, beginning with the painting in the Samnite House in Herculaneum as an example of the First Style of Roman Wall painting and ending with the wall paintings of the Domus Aurus of Nero from 64 to 68 C.E.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Witchcraft in Modern Times free essay sample

When most people think of witches they think of the stereotype being old ladies that ride brooms and cast spells on people. But have you ever taken the time to research about them and really learn about what they believe in? Well up and till now I havent really taken the time either but I have found out some very interesting information about witches and that they are much more than ladies who ride brooms and cast spells on people. Witchcraft is the alleged use of supernatural or magical powers, often to cause harm to members of a community or their property. There are other ses of the term that distinguishes bad witchcraft and good witchcraft. A witch is different from a sorcerer in that they do not need physical tools or actions to curse somebody but can curse someone with Just words or thought alone. In anthropology, European witchcraft is seen by historians as an ideology for explaining misfortune. We will write a custom essay sample on Witchcraft in Modern Times or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Beliefs in witchcraft and witch hunts are found in many cultures worldwide today, mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Christianity and Islam witchcraft was viewed as evil and fears about it rose and sometimes led to large scale witch hunts. Christians believed that Christianity was a battle against the devil and his army of witches. Tens or hundreds of thousands of people were executed and others were imprisoned, tortured, banished, and had lands taken away because of being accused of witches. Most of these people were women but some were also men. A form of modern witchcraft is called Wicca. People who perform Wicca are known as Wiccans or Witches. Wicca is typically a religion that worships a God and a Goddess who are traditionally viewed as Horned God and Triple Goddess. The Horned God is ssociated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle. While this figure is not equal to the Christian figure of Satan a small percentage of Wiccans refer to the Horned God to names given to Satan as Lucifer or the devil. Sometimes the God is viewed as the Green Man, a traditional fgure in European art and architecture, and they often interpret him as being associated with the natural world. The Triple Goddess is portrayed as a Maiden goddess, a Mother goddess, and a Crone goddess. Each of these have different associations, namely virginity, fertility nd wisdom. Many Wiccans believe in magic. They believe magic to be a law of nature, as yet misunderstood or disregarded by contemporary science. Most do not view it as being supernatural, but being a part of the super powers that reside in the natural. Some believe that it is making full use of the five senses hat achieve surprising results, and others do not know how magic works, Just believing that it does because they have observed it to be so. Wiccans cast spells or workings during ritual practices, usually held in a sacred circle. Most Wiccan spells include pells for healing, protection, fertility, or to banish negative influences. This magic is referred to white magic which is contrasted to black magic, which they associate with evil and Satanism. Some modern Wiccans have stopped using the terms white magic and black magic because black should not necessarily have any associations with evil. A1 though most Wiccans believe in reincarnation, some believe that the soul reincarnates to the same species over many lives and others believe that the soul reincarnates through different species. Usually Wiccans who believe in Summerland. Many Wiccans also believe that you can contact the spirits in the other world through mediums or Ouija Boards. Despite some beliefs of the after life, Wicca does not place emphasis on it, but focusing on the current one instead. Through all of this information I hope that you have really opened up your mind about what witches really are. I know it really helped me open up my mind and some of the information I found out were things I never would have thought that witches would believe in. They are more than Just people who ride brooms, cast spells on people, and believe in thee devil.